新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学的主校园座落于新西兰首都惠灵顿,建校于1899年,是为了纪念维多利亚女皇而设立,至今已有百余年的历史。学校目前设有5个学院,开设13个科系学位,88个专业以供就读,全校学生共约16000人,其中有250人为博士班,1500人为硕士班, 1000名来自世界上70多个国家的国际留学生,学生人数在近年内不断的成长。灵顿维多利亚大学有着各种程度的学位专业可供选修,包括学士后学位、硕士学位、博士学位和荣誉博士学位。
新西兰灵顿维多利亚大学Victoria University of Wellington共设置五大学院,包括:建筑与设计学院、商业与管理学院、人类与社会学院、法律学院和科学院,提供十几个学位以及八十余门专业课程。
Bachelor of Architecture(建筑学学士学位) [BArch]
Bachelor of Arts(文学士学位) [BA]
Bachelor of Biomedical Science(生物科学学士学位) [BBmedSc]
Bachelor of Business Information Systems(信息管理,资讯管理学士学位) [BBIS]
Bachelor of Building Science(建筑科学学士学位) [BBSc]
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration(商业和管理学学士学位) [BCA]
Conjoint BCA/BSc
Bachelor of Design(设计学学士学位) [BDes]
Bachelor of Engineering (工程学学士学位) [BE]
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Early Childhood(早期教育学士学位) [BEd(Tchg)EC]
Bachelor of Laws(法学学士学位) [LLB]
Bachelor of Music(音乐学学士学位) [BMus]
Bachelor of Science [BSc]
Bachelor of Science and Technology(科学技术学士学位) [BScTech]
Bachelor of Tourism Management(旅游管理学士学位) [BTM]
Conjoint BA/BTeach in Early Childhood Education
Conjoint Primary and Secondary Teaching Degrees
Master of Architecture - MArch
Master of Design - MDes
Master of Industrial Design - MIndDes
Master of Building Science - MBSc
Master of Commerce and Administration - MCA
Master of Applied Finance - MAF
Master of Business Administration - MBA
Master of Financial Mathematics - MFinMath
Master of Information Management [2]- MIM 信息管理 资讯管理硕士
Master of Library and Information Studies - MLIS
Master of Management Studies - MMS
Master of Public Management - MPM
Master of Public Policy - MPP
Master of Strategic Studies - MSS
Master of Tourism Management * Master of Education - MEd
Master of Teaching - MTeach
Master of International Relations - MIR
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies - MMHS
Master of New Zealand Studies - MNZS
Master of Midwifery - MMidW
Master of Nursing/Master of Nursing (Clinical) - MNurs
Master of Theatre Arts - MTA
Master of Music - MMus
Master of Laws - LLM
Master of Biomedical Science - MBmedSc
Master of Computer Science - MCompSc
Master of Conservation Biology - MConBio
Master of Development Studies - MSc (Development Studies)
Master of Environmental Studies - MSc (Evironmental Studies)
Master of Marine Conservation - MMCon
Master of Arts - MA
Master of Science - MSc
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Doctor of Science - DSc
Doctor of Music - DMus
Doctor of Literature - DLitt
Doctor of Commerce - DCom
Doctor of Laws - LLD
本科: 在中国正规大学学完大学一年级或成绩良好的高中毕业生,雅思6.0;
硕士: 中国正规大学学士学位,成绩良好,雅思6.5;