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  • 由于近年来荷兰经济形势大好,人才短缺,荷兰政府为加强知识型经济建设,吸引人才出台了一项最新规定:从现在开始,在荷兰就读两年以上的留学生,毕业后可获得一年工作签证,以便在荷兰找工作。另外对企业聘用外国人员的必须达到的工资要求也作了调整,30岁以上从年收入4.7万欧元降到3.6万,30岁以下从3.3万降到2.5万。这将大大提高用人单位雇佣外国员工的积极性。(后附荷兰移民局相关文件) Graduated foreign students and the migrant regulation The cabinet has decided to graduated foreign students more offer possibilities to go in the Netherlands to the battle. The cabinet wants reinforce this way the Dutch knowledge-based economy. The cabinet follows the recommendation concerning labor migration of the social-economic Council (SERUM) and the recommendation concerning study migration of the advisory committee for alien matter ( ACVZ). Minimum beginning salary Foreign graduated students of outside the European Union will get more time to find a job in the Netherlands. They can soon a year instead of the current three months to work as a migrant zoeken. They must provide that year, however, for their own maintenance and can they no benefit get. The minimum beginning salary that must be also reduced deserve graduated foreign students as a migrant: of 34,130 to 25,000. The new amount stands more in proportion to what graduates in practice can deserve. Present regulation Awaiting setting-up of this new policy the present regulation remains where students have a missing period of three months, effective. In the newsletter you will be loved on altitude the development in this area.
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