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  • 高商英语授课问题大纲
    1. Can you speak in French?
    2. Where have you learned French?
    3. Who taught you French?
    4. French is very difficult ? Do you like it?
    5. Why do you want to learn French?
    6. How long have you learned French?
    7. What's your name? How to spell it?
    8. What's the meaning of your name?
    9. Can you introduce yourself?
    10. When were you born ? And where?
    11. What's your birthday?
    12. Where were you born?
    13. Where are you from?
    14. How many members are there in your family?
    15. What's your father's profession ? And your mother?
    16. Where do you live?
    17. Where do you come from?
    18. What's your profession/occupation?
    19. What are you doing now?
    20. Where are you working now?
    21. When did you graduate?
    22. Where did you graduate?
    23. What did you learn in the university/college?
    24. Which couses have you learned in the university /college?
    25. Why do you want to study in French?
    26. Why don't you want to study in Chinese University?
    27. Why do you want to study in USA or United Kingdom?
    28. Why do you want to study business and management?
    29. Where are you going to study?
    30. Which school are you going to study?
    31. What will you study in this school?
    32. Which courses will you study?
    33. When will you begin your study in French?
    34. When are you going to France?
    35. What do you think about this school?
    36. How can you know this school?
    37. What's your study plan for your study in France?
    38. Do you sure that you can get to living in France?
    39. Are you sure that you will adapt to living in France?
    40. Where will you live in France?
    41. How long will you stay in France?
    42. How long will you study in France?
    43. Do you have some plan about your study?
    44. What do you plan to do when you finish your study?
    45. You will stay in France when you finish your study?
    46. You will come back to china when you finish your study?
    47. You will work during your study in France?
    48. Why don't you want to work in France?
    49. Why don't you want to stay in France after your study?
    50. Do you have some friends or relatives in France?
    51. Have you been to France?
    52. Who pay all your fees for your study?
    53. How does it cost for your study?
    54. Do you have paid all the fees for your study?
    55. Do you think that it's expensive?
    56. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?
    57. What are your habits?
    58. What do you like in your free time?
    59. Do you like Paris?
    60. What will be challenge for you to study in France?
    61. What will be difficult for you to study in France?
    62. What will be you do to resole all there problems?
    LM-give a outline of your objectives in applying to this program as well as a statement of your professional objectives. You may add any further information you consider to relevant to your application.(基本上是传统的动机信)
    3份 ESSAYS 不要超过250字
    1-      描述工作经历和学习经历中的成就和取得荣誉;
    2-      为什么申请国际贸易这个专业,此专业对你未来的职业发展有何帮助?
    3-      是否有过出国经历(旅游、工作等)?如果有,那么你的感受是什么?你是怎么克服文化差 异问题的?如果没有,那么你会对一个将要来中国的外国人提供哪些建议?
    4 ESSAYS
    1.       Why are you applying to this Programme
    2.       Describe what has been your major accomplishment(s) to date in your professional life
    3.       Your professional objectives
    4.       Anything else you would like to mention to the admissions committee
    ESC BORDEUAX       国贸专业
    1.      Give a candid description of yourself (personality traits, strengths, weaknesses...)(8行)
    2.      Describe one or two experiences or realisations (professional or other)
    --that you consider to have been determining points in your life(4行)
    --that you failed to accomplish, and what you learnt from them(4行)
    What are your incentives concerning management and international commerce?
    What are your reasons for wanting to study at the MACI ?
    What are the points in common between your initial formation and the MACI ?
    What are the points in common between your previous work experience and the MACI ?
    How can the MACI help you to reach your goals ?
    Which specialised option would you like to take ?
    To which other programmes are you applying?
    Would your marital status allow for such a professional evolution ?
    Are you interested in any professional sector in particular ?
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